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 Home & Hospital Birth 




Birth is a mystical journey, a rite of passage and initiation that will ever transform you and bless you with the power of unconditional love ~ called motherhood.  No matter how you prepare for this life-transforming journey, childbirth is a mystery that unfolds moment by moment, as you surrender completely to the unknown.  Like the ocean waves that come and go... as you become the waves, the ocean carries you far beyond....

where the new can be born.

~ Mayaya  





The Role of a Doula:

In nearly every culture throughout history, women have been surrounded and cared for by other women during childbirth. The doula's role is to provide physical and emotional support and assistance in gathering information for a woman and her partner during labor and birth. The doula offers help and advice and comfort measures such as breathing, relaxation, movement and positioning. She also insists the women and her partner to become informed about the course of her labor and their options. The most crucial role of the doula is providing continuous emotional reassurance and comfort. Doula's specialize in non-medical skills and do not perform clinical task.


The Essential Ingredient: Doula video, was created by the DONA and it features Maya G. (Mayaya) as a doula amongst other chosen Doulas. All Mayaya's doula video's where filmed by jodie Mayer for more videos 

watch Mayaya assisting Yaelle Shaphir second child home birth.


Mayaya is offering a unique designed workshop and training

for pregnant woman, partner, Midwifes and Doulas.


This  practice introduces the power of movements through an original

Technology of movements -Five Cosmic Keys (5CK) during pre & post-partum and at time of giving birth. The primal movements are inspired from the ancient art of Belly Dancing, it has been a passing secret among women and midwifes in the Middle East. This ancient wisdom intiates the body and soul for some of the most profound rites of passage; lovemaking, pregnancy and childbirth. The movements are offered as additional tools that helps to open the pelvic area and release tension.

The workshops and training  is designed for all the stages of pregnancy.  




Private classes with Mayaya




5CK private training with your partner 


Birth Preferences/plan


Emotional pre & post partum support 



Herbal remedies and homeopathic support 



Holistic approach for hospital and home birth


Access to a wide network and resources


Placeta Capsules (raw method)


DONA- Birth Doula training, BiniBirth by Ana Paula Markel


Certified Prenatal Kundalini Yoga, The Kalsh Way, by Gurmukh Khalsa & Davi Karu Khalsa


Certified Completion & Correction Healing (C&CH)


Reiki 1&II Practicionair


Cranio Sacral Therapy


DNA II Theta Healing, Vianna


Homeopathic Remedy for Childbirth 


Biblical Herbs of The RAMBAM. 


Aroma touch technique -Essential Oil by Doterra 


this workshop invites  partners to learn a new language of movements called the Five Cosmic keys 5CKmap  Practicing the Keys is a natural way of connecting to your body and to the life that is growing inside of you.  The emphasise of this workshop is to create a safe environment for partners to communicate in a new way through movements and sound.  Partners will learn how to center and align their bodies, to open and balance their hearts, and to listen and follow the primal mind.  In the end of this journey partners will embody a new language that will assist their journey of childbirth and all the changing cycles of life.

Through this guided movement meditation partners will experience a sacred union with the child and become more present as you surrender to the miraculous changes that are taking place. You will learn to dance the waves of birth and activate your spiritual strength while building courage and confidence. 



5CK Doula & Midwife workshop and training 

In many ancient cultures women and midwives shared their knowledge through a birth dance and rituals. This workshop is designed for midwives and Doulas to learn the ancient art of childbirth preparation through movement and sound. The movements used in belly dancing actually mimic many of the physical and emotional manifestations of labor in a woman’s body. In this workshop you will learn how to embody the Five Cosmic Keys-technology of movement (5CK) which is rooted in and inspired by belly dancing and Qi gong. The Keys will assist you in passing the knowledge and wisdom of the birth movement without any preconceived ideas and limitations. Once you learn  and experienced the 5CK  then you can guide your clients to utilize the keys during their pregnancy and childbirth experience.  In this workshop you will develop new communication skills that will help guide the birthing mother to shift and trust her body.  The movements create awareness, relaxation and strengthening of the muscles in the pelvic floor. The integration of movement and sounds allows you and your client to experience and explore a new primal language.










"I completely  trusted Maya to keep the space sacred, My "pain" at time felt overwhelming, but she knew just where to touch me, which made it easier to bear. She was a god send, EVERYONE was very impressed with her."


~Terra Horton 




"We dont know what we have done without Maya's guidance  energy, The experience felt safe and nurturing, thank's to her presence. She was amazing!"


~Matte Cherowitzo



"Maya was very attentive,

genuine, had a lot of helpful

 positions while pushing.

The ONLY doula I know who

had a flashlight and

hand mirror, Excellent!!"


~ Jinnie Noh - Birthing nurse at the "Good Samaritan" Hospital

"During the last few months of my pregnancy, when back pain is so common, I was able to alleviate much of the discomfort with stretching and using the Cosmic Keys taught in Maya's practice. I used the Keys that worked for me and stayed upright and active through my entire labor.  Grateful to have a wide variety of tools to pull from, the Keys were an important part of my toolbox".


~ Meadow Carter-Doula, midwife assistant, Childbirth educator.


"Through the 5 cosmic keys, Maya showed us ways to be more in our bodies-- and to connect to each other and our baby during our pregnancy.  Each of the keys' movements were so familiar and accessible, making the whole experience feel natural - yet Maya's philosophy, teaching and direction opened up a whole new, exciting journey for us.  With her warm and nurturing energy, we felt comfortable, ready and open to this system of meditation in motion~ Maya is divinely connected!"


~Matte & Terra - 35 weeks  (& Lua)


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