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Mayaya have been working worldwide with the Yuval Ron Ensemble for the last 12 years. She has been teaching workshops with the Ensemble and myself in major universities in the us such as University of Chicago, Yale, California State Universities and in community centers such as Jewish Community Center in Houston, TX and Congregation Valley Beth Shalom in Encino, CA.


Maya is a creative and outstanding teacher. In some of her sacred movement workshops she instructed people on how to use the Hebrew letters for creating a personal expressive prayer through movement. This work is granted to open the door to the spiritual practice of Hebrew prayer to many people who would not visit a synagogue or would practice meaningless recitations without any inner connection or understanding of the text. In my opinion this work is a deep spiritual that its time has arrived.


~Yuval Ron 

composer and Director of the 'Yuval Ron Ensemble"


"Mayaya is a beautiful vessel of light, and a class with her is like an initiation.  From her teaching it is obvious that dance is a spiritual practice for her and that she delights in sharing it.  In her workshop, Mayaya strongly emphasized the inner experience of the dancer.  All participants agreed they had never been taught quite this way before, the BellySecrets way.  Since the class, I have enjoyed experimenting with Maya’s teaching approach in my Modern Andalusian Fusion classes.  Seeing her perform live at a concert only confirmed that for me".


Sara Draper – choreographer & Director of Dance, Path Company 




"Mayaya is a dynamic alchemist combining  and transforming movement with essence.  She is also an extraordinary dancer and teacher.  Aside from watching her perform brilliantly many times--wearing original and unforgettable costumes that she herself created, Maya is a consummate teacher of movement for adults and for youth.  Her commitment to bringing out the best in us, and her ability to inspire us as we join her in joyous movement, is a great gift"  


Ruth Broyde Sharone

filmmaker/author/interfaith activist 


"You are a truly gifted teacher and a wonderful inspiration.  In your class I felt so free to just be myself and experience the true beauty that is dance!"


Abby Wills – Shanti Generation, Creator

"From my own experience I came to realize that belly dancing is a great workout and extremely rehabilitative.  So much so, that I want to provide this spiritual and physical experience to my patients and clients. Mayaya’s combines various dance forms and healing movements such as yoga, meditation & chi gong with the sacred movements of belly dance."


Dr. LeRoy R. Perry Jr., D.C.


"You are true goddess… It was a phenomenal experience.  Thank you for all the beautiful classes and for opening yourself up to share your amazing secrets.  I learned to connect to my feminine energy and stay there.  It was a journey of exploration, discovery, creativity, revealing of layers, of beautiful music with challenges and breakthroughs, sharing and opening up.  These classes were great fun and relaxation. The whole workshop was well rounded and just … perfect".


Ronit Berrebi – Esthetician



"Mayaya is a stunning movement artist who fuses the East, the Middle East and North Africa movement traditions into a unique expressive form of dance. Maya has a deep and intuitive connection to the mystical and spiritual aspects of dance and is a very talented and inspiring teacher of movement for all ages."


Yuval Ron- Compuser and the founder of the "Yuval Ron Ensemble"


Maya Gabay-Mayaya,  has been our teacher of Hebrew sacred dance since 2010.

 She developed movements to each Letter. Mayaya has the skills and knowledge to speak about inner growth and we all feel that her contribution to this transmission complete it to a whole molti-

 dimensional teaching.  Our work together is something we realized was waited for. 


~Gilla Nissan

Teacher of The Hebrew Letter


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