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The “Garden of the Soul” is a mystical journey, a yearly study and practice. It is an invitation to travel through the 12Gates-CosmicLlibraries, to unlock hidden layers and secrets of creation manifestation. As "Mystical Gardeners" we attend the Garden of our Soul with tools and daily practices. This journey is dedicated to connect our human body to the cosmic body, through an original map of guidance and trance form movements. The journey design to guide each participant at their level of receiving and dedication to enter the garden and to embody new tools to awaken, heal and trance form the 4 bodied: Physical, Emotional, Mental and spiritual until we can discover the most powerful seeds in the UniversalGarden the "Tree of Life".

The ten emanations of creation: Ever- spiraling spheres of divine manifestation waiting to spark the spiral of creation into the dance of manifestation.

The “Garden of the Soul” study is based on Kabbalists teaching- “The book of Formation" , monthly Astrology insight, Original map of guidance and trance-form movements.


The "Garden of the soul" journey offers 12GATES to travel through. Each Gate represents an insightful teaching, study and practices to align us with the expansion of consciousness. Each gate we enter we practice the embodiment of the knowledge through trance form movements. The "Garden of the Soul " Yearly journey design to guide and initiate the participant as “Mystical Gardeners” while we travel in segment of 3Gates at the time, moving mindfully from one season to another. The Garden contains 4Elements/ seasons. Each element encapsulates teaching, study and a daily practice.



1st Gate - January – SOIL /SOUL introduction into the “Garden of the soul”

Emendating the soil, Garden foundation, design and structure for the mystical Gardener.

2nd Gate - February – SEEDS introducing the “SEEDS LIBRARY”” planting method

3rd Gate - March- ROOTS Receiving the first MAP OF GUIDANCE –

clearing the 3 Spheres (M.H.C) Mind, Heart, Core - Trance form movements



4th Gate April –SPROUTS Four worlds, 4Bodies -P.M.E.S Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual

5th Gate May-TRUNK 5Cosmic Keys- technology of movements and pathways

6th Gate June-BRANCHES Healing power of Sounds, Colors and Chants



7th Gate July –LEAVES  7 direction evocations, Arch Angels Trance-form movements.

8th Gate August – BLOSSOMS Water element -Nurturing –Feminine body

9th Gate September – FRUITS Air element - Breathing techniques



10th Gate October – HARVESTING Fire element – activation –Masculine body.

11th Gate – November –SEEDING Earth element –The cycle of life death and rebirth

12th Gate December – INITIATION  ”Tree of Life” 


"Garden of the Soul" journey INVITE MEN AND WOMEN who are ready to advance their mystical journey.  it's calling a grounding, present and dedicated participant.

The journey  take place twice a month through a webinar - ZOOM

Wednesday 11:30-13:30pm

Every second and fourth Wednesday of the month

Every session will be recorded!




First quarter- EARTH begins Jan 13....... $480


Second quarter AIR begin April 13..........$480


Third quarter WATER begin July 13........$480


Fourth quarter FIRE begin October 12...$480


Yearly journey 4ELEMENTS  JAN-DEC...  $1920


Early Bird Discount Sign up by JAN10  


1Quater .......$400


2 Quarters.....  $800


3 Quarters.......$1360


4 Quarter. .... $1800




Payment plan is available upon request.

1 Scholarship in exchange of requires and related work is available.











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Mayaya have been working worldwide with the Yuval Ron Ensemble for the last 12 years. She has been teaching workshops with the Ensemble and myself in major universities in the US such as University of Chicago, Yale, California State Universities and in community centers such as Jewish Community Center in Houston, TX and Congregation Valley Beth Shalom in Encino, CA.


Mayaya is a creative and outstanding teacher. In her sacred movement workshops she instructed people on how to use the Hebrew letters for creating a personal expressive prayer through movement. This work is granted to open the door to the spiritual practice of Hebrew prayer to many people who would not visit a synagogue or would practice meaningless recitations without any inner connection or understanding of the text. In my opinion this work is a deep spiritual that its time has arrived.


~Yuval Ron 

composer and Director of the 'Yuval Ron Ensemble"


Maya Gabay-Mayaya,  has been our teacher of Hebrew sacred dance since 2010.

 She developed movements to each Letter. She has the skills and knowledge to speak about inner growth and we all feel that her contribution to this transmission complete it to a whole molti-

 dimensional teaching.  Our work together is something we realized was waited for. 


~Gilla Nissan

Teacher of The Hebrew Letter


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